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About Us

What began as the local climbing and outdoor gear shop, who occasionally would help the rangers from the nearby state park get some rescue gear, has evolved into something quite different over the years.

We have evolved to have a singular focus, providing the rescue community with the best possible gear for your work. We understand that rescuers can be called to respond anywhere, at any time, from the tallest buildings to the deepest canyons and everywhere in between. When those rescuers receive those calls, not only do we want their gear to be the least of their worries, we want them to feel confident, knowing they have the best tools for the job at hand.

That’s why we work to provide rescuers with the very best equipment there is, from manufacturers down the street and around the world. We keep most of it on the shelf so you can have it right away, when you need it.

We are committed to offering great gear at a fair price, but we are always happy to throw in some advice for free. Need help deciding which rope is right for you? Give us call. Can’t make up your mind which wetsuit will work for your department? Drop us an email. Not sure if you have the most up to date reference materials? We are happy to help. As Arnor Larsen said “knowledge is light in the rucksack, and not easily left behind.” We have learned a few things since the days when the fire department knocked on the door asking for a rope to go rescue someone at the park, and we hope we can share some of that with you.

Stay safe, and thanks for all that you do.


The Rescue Direct Team